Processing Center hours-
Open 5 days a week
m-f 8-5
Saturday by Appt. only
$2.89/LB hanging WT (includes all fees)
$100.00 Roaster Rental
($200.00 Deposit)
Flat and Rotisserie Available
Cut the way you want.
Freezer wrapped in clear packaging and individually labeled.
$70.00 Kill Fee
$0.65 cent/LB Processing Fee
$5.00 Disposal fee
$1.00/LB for Sausage Links
$1.00/LB for smoked meat
$4.00 sausage Seasoning
Cut the way you want.
Freezer wrapped in clear packaging and individually labeled.
$80.00 Kill Fee
$15.00 Whole Beef or $10.00 on each quarter
$0.70 Porcessing Fee
$0.05/LB for 1LB PKG Ground Beef
(No charge for 1.5lb or 2 lb)
$0.05/lb for individually wrapped steaks
$0.50/lb for patties
$5.00 Corn Beef Brisket
All Rights Reserved | Johnston's Meat Company
Retail Store Hours
Mon-Sat:9:00AM-6:00PM | Sunday: Closed